Monday, January 4, 2010

My Very First 'Gina-Post

I don't actually know what it is called when you write on a blog, but I am sure someone will tell me, as many of my friends are into this stuff. For me, right now, I will call this passage my first 'GINA -POST!

I have bragged to Joe on a few occasions (usually when intoxicated) that I could have a blog, and that if I did have one I would write/post on it (that's the key here, actually posting shit), and maintain it. He is always encouraging, and it was no different with this. He set up Blog-gina for me, my friends and all the ladies out we could come here and bitch about men and life, rant, cry, laugh, giggle and share ourselves, our daily lives, struggles, accomplishments, bullshit, and anything we want, with one another and anyone else who cares to listen! (god knows men suck at listening, but that's a 'gina-post for another day)

We subject many of you to our insanity, love, laughter, tears, and silly ways on a daily basis, through Facebook. That is as much as I ever share about myself. I have never kept a diary or written in a journal. I was always too afraid someone might find it and commit me for my utterly insane and twisted thoughts! With a blog, I am in control of what I tell you, and i don't need to keep anything hidden under my pillow with a lock and hearts on it, fearing one day to find the lock broken and a man holding up a white jacket for me to slip on. A blog in my mind is a place to write about whatever you want, however you want and whenever you want. I like that idea. I am one more person who feels that my shit is so important, that YOU must want to read it.

HA! My first blog was going to to be a list of my top-ten pet peeves, but I just got all sidetracked and wrote about blogging Blog-gina style here, so I will only subject you to my top FIVE pet peeves.... here they are. Not in any particular order, because I find them all equally annoying!

Men that cant figure out how to put the new toilet paper roll
back on the toilet paper holder, so they just leave it on the counter for the toilet paper fairy to do it!

Skinny people that complain that they are fat

People who will not "friend" people on Facebook.......YOU MUST FRIEND THEM.....puhleeeeeaaassssseee!

Of course, when the toilet seat is left in the UP position....when will they come up with a toilet seat that lowers itself after 1 minute? or better yet one that reminds you ...hey fuckleberrieasstard, you left the seat up!

And finally, backseat drivers

Maybe this year, I will eliminate some of these pet-peeves by working on my patience, or maybe I should just eliminate the people who do these things! THAT sounds much more fun!

I hope that you all take advantage of this site! I have no idea how to end a 'gina-post, so I will just end this one with.......Happy New Year, to all my friends with vaginas!


  1. INCREDIBLY AWESOME Gina Post AllieMac! LUB it! WOOT AND HOLLA! I am soo in agreement with the pet peeves. And, good news... my cousin just got a toilet seat that DOES lower itself after 5 min of no one sitting on it or standing in front of it! So maybe we can check that one off the list! :)

  2. I would LOVE to check that off. My ass does not need to be kissed by the tidy bowl man again, ever! I would love to hear the left the seat down you fuckleberrieasstard! coming from my bathroom when I have visitors though! Just sayin. WOOT and HOLLA chica!

  3. I hear ya sista, I don't need a feminine wash from the same toilet water my dog just drank from! I think I will invent a seat with a robotic arm that comes out and grabs a hold of their "members" as they're leaving the bathroom if they leave the seat up. That's much more "Gina Style"!

  4. Wow! Better than Joe could ever manage.

  5. ahhhh pipe down hooka! ;)

  6. The arm thingy would be a nice touch. It would need to include a magnifying glass.

  7. D, I know that smiley wink anywhere!

  8. is he trying to be all anonymous and shit getting loud on our pink page?

  9. Me thinks men, one in particular, is too opinionated. No names mentioned or nothing.

  10. Anonymous, if that was the only problem with these men, we wouldnt need a blog like this. Just ask Gaskin. He knows!

  11. I like-a the blog. That toilet paper thing pisses me off.

  12. Hi Rick. did you bring your tampon ornaments and maxipad ghosts?

  13. Oh yea, one more pet-peeve. I hate it when your tampon is missing the string.

  14. Awesome Gina-Post. You have really outdone yourself this time. Fortunately, I do not have the toilet seat problem over here. Someone was taught properly. I do agree with the skinny comment and the backseat drivers. I have the trash can that opens and closes with a detector on it. Maybe we could make a toilet seat that has the seat shut on their members?? Providing size is adequate. Two of my pet peeves in the toilet and bathroom department is not giving a courtesy flush or leaving skid marks in the bowl. Just flush it again please. This blog is a great idea. Fanks AllieMac .... Lub WheatHo

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Thanks WheatHo. It is a great idea. I wish I could tell you whose idea it really was and who set it up for us,, you know...ok fine. THANKS JOE!

  17. It's about time someone paid homage to me.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. You always play Homo Joe!! said Paid HomAGE......

  20. Ain't nobody axed you, Steff.

  21. UInless you have tampon ornaments and maxi pad ghosts Joe, this is a site for wimmens by wimmens!

  22. Good blog for starters Allie Mac! I one of the five pet peeves that you havent mentioned include.."spitting out your car window, and you find it shut..?

  23. Thank you soooo much Monty! I I really hate it when you are riding your bike and you spit into the wind. I AM ALWAYS spitting!

  24. STEFFANUTTER...LUBBING the fist pump! Great idea! Maybe we should add the pelvic thrust.

  25. what about people who DON'T flush?!?!AL?

  26. LOL. I agree! And people who wipe their asses with their hands...MONK!
