Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Journey To Thin: Entry One

DECEMBER 24, 2008 –

I walked in to the Doctors office for a follow up visit after I was hospitalized for a serious skin infection and that visit spurred me to change my life. The Doctor spoke very frankly to me, and said.. "Stephanie, you had a serious infection that you could have lost your leg… you’re very lucky to be walking in here". I nodded, and what he said next changed my life, "You are very overweight, and have poor circulation, if you don’t change something, you will end up like those old people you see with gigantic swollen ankles – unable to walk. YOU can change this Stephanie, so this doesn’t happen.. and you know you can do it."

You know what? He was right.
I could.
I had always known I was “Heavy” even calling myself “Big Boned” through the years, but I had no idea.
I guess everyone has an internal vision of what they look like, and I thought I looked fine...."cute" even.

And I was always happy. 

I even used to say I’d rather be fat and "Happy", than thin and MISERABLE!
Meanwhile...I just keep ignoring ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the signs, making excuses for everything. "OH, I can’t walk that far, I have an old ankle injury, Im sorry, can you park closer, I must have slept wrong, my back hurts".
Chest pain?..."Oh, I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me……. Honey, can you carry this up the stairs for me? I think I sprained my knee."
Literally, I couldn’t walk the length of the boardwalk in Rehoboth without stopping two or three times! I said I was people watching.
Truthfully?....I couldn’t walk any more. It hurt. EVERYTHING hurt!
Of course it wasn’t because I WAS FAT, I was sure of it!!!!!

I had tried diets before, never worked.
Gained everything back and then some.
Gained forty pounds…. Of course it was because I quit smoking, or whatever else I could come up with.
Gained 20 lbs?, "Oh, it must be because I changed medicines.". I almost even believed myself at times. It sounded good to me!. My mother would beg me to lose weight, even offered to pay for it, told me I was going to die.. I said.. "MOM!! I’m HEALTHY...a little heavy, but I'm HEALTHY!!! PLEASE STOP BUGGING ME!!"
And then I went and ate a pizza, or a burger… or whatever else I could find…

I walked out of that Doctors office determined. I was going to do something this time….

Here at work, Weight Watchers was starting in January. "That’s it!", I told myself...."This is it. Its time. Im ready."
So I stepped on the scale January 5th 2009 at saw what it said....
308.2 lbs.
WHAT? Seriously, there is something wrong there.. how did that happen? Are you sure?!?!?!?
But sadly….It was right. That number was correct.
WOW. This happened just in time….Im going to change me.

~Steff Dickson


  1. Ok, so I just deleted my first two posts cause I am a blogtard and just realized that this was entry #1 and I might have said a "spoiler" for the rest of the entries. So, I'll just say..."I'm SOOOO Proud of you Steff!! You Go Girl!"

  2. I agree with Steph....VERY cool and inspirational story.
    Keep going!

  3. I have told you before Steff, you are an inspiration to many people. Your commitment and desire are amazing. I look forward to the rest of your story and THANK YOU for being a part of this blog.... By Wimmens for Wimmens! HOLLA CHICA!

  4. That's awesome Steff. What an inspiration. Keep it going.

  5. Hey Steph!Don't know you but you sound deterimined to do it.A friend of mine had the same thing happening with her.She was 285 and thought that her work insurance would cover the operation.She had her stomach stapeled.Well in order for for coverage they told her it had to de life threatening and she had to be at least 300.So she put on the extra pounds and had it done.She dropped about 140 a matter of a few months.She looked great,had more energy and a lot more self-esteam.Well after a while she started eating more again and regaied weight.I thought that operation would prevent this from happenig.She made her mind up again not to let it happen again and she already had a jump on it the second time.Well she did it and back to where she should be.All it took was strong will and good friends that were honest with her and her life has changed.I know you too will be just as strong as her.Just watch yourself change right before your very eyes.Keep up the good work.!!!! Gary M. friend of allie on FB.
