When we last left off, I started my journey to thin
30lbs in and 3 months later, I started to think, "This isn’t so bad, I can really do this!"…."WOW, I can carry the laundry up the stairs without being out of breath!". I could still go out and enjoy myself AND still lose weight. I was sleeping better, and I was feeling good!
Then my boyfriend, realizing that I was doing it and still enjoying myself started his own journey to walk beside mine. He also had no idea he was over 300LBS….we both needed to save ourselves!
SO, Spring came…and having shed almost 50 lbs by then, I decided to start walking. I walked 3 times a week, 3 miles at a time..…. and you know what?
I loved it! I could walk and not have to stop, not have to make excuses!
That ankle injury? Never came up.
My sprained knee? Never knew it was there!
I even walked in my first 5K…with some wonderful friends beside me who were runners. They walked right by my side the whole way, and didn’t even let me finish last! Then I walked another...and another…and started improving my time! I was walking in the park with coworkers after work and there was a gigantic hill...when we started walking, we said.. "Oh my, we will never make it up that hill!" But one day we said, "Lets do the hill"… and we did!!
When the weather turned cold in October, our routine WAS that hill..not once, but TWICE!
I then joined a gym. I remember during those walks we’d laugh at the runners and say "Man, they look like they are in pain.. we are never running!!".
At the gym?....I run for 10 minutes of my hour walk now!
his journey has taken me through so many emotions. I almost laugh that I choose a salad over a cheese steak now, and Im HAPPY about it! I COOK at home, with veggies and protein, and I even know what those things are now!!!!
I used to say… I EAT NOTHING GREEN!!! Now... I can’t think of too many green things that I don’t eat. (Okay brussell sprouts.. but I just might try them one day). I have learned so much from Weight Watchers and the leadership at the meetings. Eating right and changing your lifestyle WILL save your life, and change it in so many ways....like the first time I went into the plus size store and the smallest size was too big!
You can’t go into a restaurant and order a "BOXED WEIGHT LOSS MEAL" please...but you CAN order a meal that’s healthy. And thats what I have learned.. to make better choices, to put myself first…and my health first.
And be happy about it.
SURE, I’ve been tempted, and I do give in every now and then....beer and nachos, anyone?
SURE I’ve had a few gains along the way (my biggest gain being 2lbs.), but I know how to fix it, and I've learned that its OKAY.
I remember going to a wedding after only losing 40 lbs, and I cried because I ate the whole dinner.....AND the dessert...and oh yea, some appetizers too.....and yep, a few beers too. But Nick came up to me and said "HON, you have been so good.. you deserve to splurge! I'ts only once…you will be fine tomorrow!". I would have been scared, but he was right.
And you know what?
I lost 4 lbs that week!...and I have continued to treat myself every now and then. I SO enjoy how it tastes...but I know that I've had what I craved and Im still OKAY.
Its all okay.
~Steff Dickson
I cried when i read this! I am so inspired by this story, Steff. I told you that before, but now I am ready to get back to the gym and start cooking at home. Yea, I said it, cooking at home! Last time I cooked at home for a full two weeks I lost like 8 lbs, cuz my cooking SUCKS!
ReplyDeleteI laughed at the part where you "give in" to beer and nachos ,cuz i "give in" every single day to some sort of something that isn't good for me! Joe and I just discussed how unhealthy we have been. This past weekend at the beach was our last splurge of eating out and eating crap (all that crap tastes soooo good though) Keep up the good work Steff! I am looking forward to the rest of this story and your mans as well. I Didnt know about his weight loss! Love the new profile picture!
P.S. I LOVE brussell Sprouts with a little, well, ok, A LOT of vinegar.
It's a VERY inspirational story, Steff, and what you've done is amazing.
ReplyDeleteYou, AND your boyfriend should be very proud of yourselves.
Steff, you are truly my hero! I am so amazed at your commitment and will power! An inspiration to us all! Love ya chica!!
ReplyDeleteI too am in awe of you and your dedication. I wish that I could find a way to give this to my sister in law whom I love with all my heart, her size worries me. It doesn't seem to stop her but I know it can't be healthy.
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration!
btw I can't sign on to to damn gina...so I'll just say it's Sue.
HA. Sue, what happens when you try and sign on? Are you trying to sign on with your gina?