Last night I went to see the movie, Hot Tub Time Machine. This is a movie, based on the title alone, I would not have gone to see on my own accord. I saw one or two previews for it, and thought it was going to be another one of those tits and ass movies that men enjoy and find highly entertaining, because men are neanderthals and have very small brains. The hot guy who asked me to go, sits through all my chick flicks, crying when appropriate, feeling me up when the lights go out, tolerating my Reese's Pieces and popcorn habit, and never complains about the floaties I leave in the soda, so I bit the bullet and went. I bitched a bit here and there, but figured I would at least be able to gloat when it was over, that it sucked, just like I said.
As much as I want to tell you it sucked, I cant. As much as I wanted to gloat, I couldn't. I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I actually needed a good laugh and I got just that, a few times over. It isn't your typical time travel movie (the fact they travel in a hot tub gives that away). What I liked was that they went back in time, but decided NOT to change the past events, to preserve the future, by doing exactly what they did back in 1986, all over again.
This movie is funny. I love the cast and found Lou (Rob Corddry) to be the perfect asshole, and my favorite character. I loved the 80's music, and was reminded of our excellent fashion sense and hip hair-dos. Are ski-resorts as cool and hip as they were back then? I haven't been to a ski resort to party since the late 80's, but have fond memories. I am old, and they are too cold.
Ladies, I suggest you go to see this movie with your man. You will earn huge
honey - do points. Bitch and moan about going, that way he thinks you are doing him a big favor, tell him he owes you for this one, and when it is over sigh and say, "that wasn't so bad." It is a win-win situation, and we all know I love to win.
Here is a link that will tell you the details and some fun facts about the movie.
Let me know what you think, if you go!
Luv Ya,