Monday, January 21, 2013

Yoga Pants and Hair-Dos!

Joe and I went out for some sushi yesterday. There was a group of six young women  who walked into the restaurant at different times to meet each other for lunch. The first one walked in and she was wearing a short sweater, yoga pants and boots to her knee. The second one walked in and she was wearing a short sweater, yoga pants and boots to her knees, the third one walked in and she had decided to change it up a bit by sporting a pair of Uggs. Fourth one comes in; short colorful top (not a sweater) a pair of yoga pants and boots to her knee, Fifth and sixth to enter shorty thereafter… exact same thing, sweater, yoga pants, boots  except one of the last two to enter got the memo from her other friend to TRY and be a little different and join her in wearing her Uggs!

 Now I don’t have  a problem with the look.  I think it’s great, but if I were to walk into a restaurant to meet 6 of my friends and I was above the age of 10 (when we all went through that phase with your BFF where you wore the same things, yeah, ugh, I would like to forget that phase)   and we all had on the exact same outfit, I would feel like a fool!

 I have noticed with the young women of today that they have very little variety of style. Not much thought or creativity when putting an outfit together. I know when I was a young woman   I wore all kinds of stuff and if you wore the same thing I would get upset and have to get something else or change mine somehow. We ripped things, we bleached things we all shopped at different stores or put our own spin on the more common things.   It was a proud moment when a friend said, wow, you look great, cool outfit, because nobody else had it!

 As women we tend to have more options today as far as style in clothing. We also have more money than our younger counterparts, paired with the Internet, so we can really get different looks. I still like the younger styles and I love the high boot trend right now. I love that I can wear a different look every day. Today I have thin corduroys  on with a super bright poncho. Yesterday I wore jeans with a skull shirt ( which had some bedazzling going on) and shiny Doc Marten type boots. The day before, mini skirt, high boots and a sweater ( I can’t wear yoga pants cuz….BIG ASS)! You get my point, I have a variety of styles I change up.

 As women in our late thirties early forties, we fall into the yoga pant, sweater, high boot scenario with our HAIR!   I went to get my hair done Saturday, which is what I think started all of this examining of today’s looks.  I wanted something different. I thought of LA and all the beautiful styles in clothing, glasses, sunglasses, shoes and hair that men and women have out there. When I went to visit my son the fashion was the first thing I noticed and loved (we are very conservative here in Delaware and that’s being generous). I have that same look 90% of us have, the worn out Jennifer Aniston look. I have it longer (well I went shorter not too long ago, but it is getting longer again) with some highlights and that long, sometimes a bit shorter, hanging bang thing swooped to one side over one eye. Hell, I put less mascara on that right eye sometimes because half the time it is covered with my super swoop bang! We all dress a bit differently  when we go out but we trade the yoga pants for hair! The only real difference in our hair style  is shades of color and which side you have it hanging towards!

I wasn’t very brave in my quest for change. I did not get a cut because of the letting it grow out thing, but I did change up the highlights/color. I Went from a medium brown with gold highlights to a deep auburn shade with some lighter auburn highlights. I was afraid to go too drastic and figured each visit I will work my way up to a new and dramatic shade, but I was disappointed in myself for lacking the courage to just go for it, like I would have when I was younger.
I guess we all conform to some degree, but it is a shame because we are able to really wear anything we want. We have access to everything and anything, all different eras of clothing from all over the world. It is all out there and when you think of the possibilities we have and don’t take advantage of, we are nuts!
 I almost forgot about this blog until I started ranting, and my ranting became too long for my status update so I decided to open this Blog thing back up for a day!


  1. You forgot about your back bangs, Back bangs are fab!!

  2. Thank you for reminding me. Not everyone can get away with back bangs like that. I dont want them back again, though. Ever.
