Men always ask...."Why do women go to the ladies room together?" I am one of those women. I like company, and I like people around me at all times, maybe that is why I do it. I do not ask someone to go with me when I am at home or at a friends house, wouldn't even think of it. It is only when I am at a public place.
When I am out, I will gladly escort you, or ask you to go with me to the ladies room. I have never been jumped in a bathroom, nor have I ever had my head flushed in the toilet. I have no bathroom phobias. I was working on a bathroom calendar with photos of me and facebook friends in local bathrooms last year, so I clearly like them. I have had my ass submerged on more than one occasion, when a man has left the seat up, I don't mind, just saves me the trouble of bathing that day. There is no clear reason for this behavior on my part and I am not afraid to go alone
Men, in case you aren't sure how it works, we converse over the enclosed stalls. If there is more than one stall, we all go and continue our conversation as if we are on the phone. If there is one stall, we still continue the conversation, like we are on a phone, but just take turns in the stall. (I giggle when there is someone and they pee really really fast, it is like a crazy pee, like someone is in a great big hurry and it is so loud, it makes me laugh, just sayin) When we are all finished, we continue to wash our hands, fix our hair, apply lipstick and occasionally try each others makeup and stuff. We usually do all of this without skipping a beat in our conversation. We then exit the bathroom, and continue on with our evening.
The downside....Sometimes I have to wait forever for a bathroom, because of this behavior. I hate it when I am solo, and have to wait in a line. I wait and wait, and then three women come out. You know what they were doing, and it would have gone much faster if they just went in alone. But we do it. I find that i don't do this as much as I used to when I was younger. I do find myself texting when I am alone in a bathroom or I check my facebook. HA. Maybe technology is changing this behavior as well. I would hate to think I might just be growing up.
Oh, and in case you care about any of this, I think that men don't do it because they have no stalls. We can go to the bathroom together, but still have privacy in our own little stall. Men would have to look at each other, while holding themselves, and they just aren't secure enough for that.
That is all, until we meet in a ladies room...
Luv ya,