The First Annual Fatty Pig Fatty Battle Royale began on April first. Fifteen people weighed in, hoping to cash in on the big prize of being crowned the First Fatty Pig Fatty winner, $260.00, a pack of tube socks and the bragging rights of losing the most weight, by percentage, in eight weeks. I personally am in it for the tube socks and the tierra. They will look fantastic with my bacon suit this summer. The bacon suit that I buy with my winnings.
I put this competition together for the sole purpose of helping myself. I am not a dieter, I don't particularly care for exercise and I hate to cook. The combination isn't good and has brought me to this FPF competition. I need to lose weight, so here I am. Eating rabbit food, sucking down enough water to make my teeth float every half hour and walking, and walking and walking. Jesus, all the walking.
So far everyone has lost weight. We are in week three and I have successfully sabotaged a few of the participants. Right now, I am offering a foil wrapped chocolate egg from Easter that I found on the ground while walking. It had been sitting by the curb for days, I couldn't let it go to waste.
I am taking a boot camp twice a week. It hurts and I don't like it. I eat a strict diet, that I must admit, does include Margaritas a few times a week (well, I added them to the diet) and i walk. I hate walking. I got caught in the rain today. I am not fond of any of this, but I will do it to the best of my ability. I am extremely competitive and refuse to lose, at anything. If i don't walk away the winner, shhh you didn't hear that, I will walk away lighter and healthier. So will 14 of my friends.
I do not cook. It is hard to diet when you do not cook. I do not like to exercise, it is hard to lose weight when you do not exercise. I do not want anyone to win but me, it is hard to be nice when someone else is winning. I do not like to walk, but running is worse, so I will walk.
Luv Ya,